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Top companies in your industry use AssessHub

Your SuperBrain for assessing customer-facing talent

Accurately assess talent for sales, customer service and support roles — so fast that you can hire as of yesterday.

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SuperBrain Platform

Deep Function

Tuned to find best performers for customer-facing roles

Role Model

Clone best performers - from your industry and your organisation

AI Powered

Intelligent, human-like automated coordination. Supersonic speed

SuperBrain platform is the powerhouse behind all AssessHub products

AssessHub Hire

Secret code to your future high performer

Specialised assessment for sales, customer services and support roles designed to measure skills in a day-in-life scenario

AssessHub Develop

Start your internal leadership mega-factory
Assessment & Development Centres that identify high potentials. Build your leadership pipeline.

AssessHub SuperBot

Coordinates 24×7 on Whatsapp
Free-up your best recruiters to actually recruit. Leave co-ordination, and pre-assessment checks to SuperBot

As a bank, we always have to hire the right sales people in huge volumes and at great speed.

Using AssessHub’s platform we were able to screen, assess and offer over 5000 candidates with zero recruiter involvement.

Considering our strict quality parameters and the stiff timelines, this is a BIG Win for us.

Harsh Kumar, CHRO - CSB Bank



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Your ‘as of yesterday’ assessment problems need

Time Machine

Coming soon in 2050      

