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Top companies in your industry use AssessHub


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Assessments that self-learn and calibrate themselves to pick the best hire – by learning who thrives in your company and what makes the giants in your industry who they are.

The giants in your industry that you fear and admire — how do they assess 20,000 sales people in two months, when your recruiter just managed to call 200 of them? They start with accepting that hiring more recruiters is old-school thinking. They have adapted for a changed candidate behavior.

Candidates don’t like to be called or emailed anymore. They are on Whatsapp. No one likes assessments that lasts for hours. Candidates have an upper-hand.
They are done with your ‘We will get back to you!’ charade. They are ‘Generation Now.’ Assessing ‘Gen-Now’ needs futuristic tools. Assessing them for specialist roles needs modern approaches.

What approaches? Which tool?
The giants in your industry that you fear and admire — how do they assess 20,000 sales people in two months, when your recruiter just managed to call 200 of them? They start with accepting that hiring more recruiters is old-school thinking. They have adapted for a changed candidate behavior.
Candidates don’t like to be called or emailed anymore. They are on Whatsapp. No one likes assessments that lasts for hours. Candidates have an upper-hand. They are done with your ‘We will get back to you!’ charade. They are ‘Generation Now.’ Assessing ‘Gen-Now’ needs futuristic tools. Assessing them for specialist roles needs modern approaches.
What approaches? Which tool?

AssessHub SuperBrain

The industry’s first predictive assessment platform used by the giants in your industry

Deep Function

Global standard assessments designed to find future best performers

Function-specific tests. Pakka-fit hires.

Gut-feel is out. Data is in. Your newest recruiter can make right decisions from Day 1.

Super-intuitive admin module. Easy controls. Quick answers.

Role Model

Predictive scores baselined against your best performers. Clone your best hires – algorithmically

Test your best performers. Use their scores as baseline for future hiring. Improvement by design.

Questions that self-update based on industry-wide feedback to assessments. Best practices, baked in.

Bias-free, data-driven, 'yes' or 'no'. Be known for fair play.

Bot Power

Screen, schedule assessments, & share results – at supersonic speed

Automated, conversational bot-based screening. Zero recruiter involvment.

Take assessments from anywhere, anytime. Industry-leading completion rates.

Multi-lingual, role-based screening. Screen at scale, in many local languages.

SuperBrain is one part spy,
one part investigator, and
one part slick talker.

Speak the local language? Check.
Malpractice-free invigilation?Check.
Data savvy testing from the remotest of locations?Check.
Testing functional capability, cognitive ability, softskills, behavior, and more like we’re the strict headmaster?
Check. Check. Check.

See SuperBrain in action

An assessment tool from the future of HR managers of today

See SuperBrain in action

An assessment tool from the future of HR managers of today
We had 7000 sales role assessments to make in one month. We tried every leading tool. With AssessHub we met targets in time.For a 5-member recruitment team this is a BIG win.

As a bank, we always have to hire the right sales people in huge volumes and at great speed.

Using AssessHub’s platform we were able to screen, assess and offer over 5000 candidates with zero recruiter involvement.

Considering our strict quality parameters and the stiff timelines, this is a BIG Win for us.

Harsh Kumar, CHRO - CSB Bank