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Top companies in your industry use AssessHub

Here’s why people choose AssessHub over TestGorilla

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What makes AssessHub better?

Function 1

Tuned to find best performers for customer-facing roles

Function 2

Clone best performers - from your industry and your organisation

Function 3

Intelligent, human-like automated coordination. Supersonic speed

Function 4

Tuned to find best performers for customer-facing roles

Function 5

Clone best performers - from your industry and your organisation

Function 6

Intelligent, human-like automated coordination. Supersonic speed

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Test Library

Cognitive ability tests
Situational judgment tests
Job-specific tests
JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, Typescript, Go, and R
All major languages
Software tests
Programming tests
Language tests
Personality tests
Culture add test
Motivation test
Typing test

Test Library

All major languages
Cognitive ability tests·
Situational judgment tests
Software tests
Release in 2012
Programming tests
On Request
Language tests
Personality tests
Culture add test
JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, Typescript, Go, and R
All major languages
Motivation test
Typing test

Test Library

Cognitive ability tests
Situational judgment tests
Job-specific tests
Software tests
Programming tests
Release in 2012
Language tests
Personality tests
Culture add test
Motivation test
Release in 2012
Typing test
On Request

All information on competitor features is taken from the service’s website and is current as of September 2020. Some information may have changed since this page was published. Please contact us via email at hello@assesshub.com to report any changes.

As a bank, we always have to hire the right sales people in huge volumes and at great speed.

Using AssessHub’s platform we were able to screen, assess and offer over 5000 candidates with zero recruiter involvement.

Considering our strict quality parameters and the stiff timelines, this is a BIG Win for us.

Harsh Kumar, CHRO - CSB Bank


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