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Top companies in your industry use AssessHub
AssessHub Hire

Predict performance before you make a hiring decision

Job-Specific Assessments: Accurately evaluate sales, customer service, and support candidates with industry-specific challenges, and identify the best fit for the job in real time.

Top companies in your industry use AssessHub

Assessment Science

Experience the power of I/O psychology to make data driven talent decision

Truly Customised

Function-specific, industry-specific tests customised for each role and a level

Predictive Hiring

Closed-loop machine learning based success profiling on internal and industry dataset

Functional Skills

Leave the skills assessment checks and followups to the bot & focus on just the results

Industry Standard

Compare your candidates with 1 million+ datasets in customer-facing roles

Well rounded Tests

Measure functional, cognitive, soft skills & behavioural competencies via a single test

Ai tools

Intelligent, human-like scoring helps you assess fitment without being involved

Bot Powered

Leave assessment checks and followups to SuperBot and focus on core recruitment

Reports & insights

Make talent decisions like a veteran with simple and easy-to-read reports

Customer Facing Assessments

Hire the right sales, service & support talent instantly

Evaluate the job readiness of customer-facing talent by utilizing function and industry-specific assessments. Predict their performance by simulating real-life scenarios relevant to their role.

Volume hiring assessments

Accurately assess at scale without being involved

Eliminate the hassle of dealing with no-shows & non-joiners candidates. Accelerate your time to hire & quality with  automated volume hiring assessments

Graduate campus assessments

Identify the most talented graduates 90% faster

Effortlessly evaluate the employability skills of fresh graduates using our Ai powered campus recruitment assessment & leave the planning and logistics to SuperBrain

Lateral Hiring Assessments

Confidently recruit managers who will lead and succeed

Measure critical skills and competencies with scientifically validated virtual assessment centers that are truly customised to your business

As a bank, we always have to hire the right sales people in huge volumes and at great speed.

Using AssessHub’s platform we were able to screen, assess and offer over 5000 candidates with zero recruiter involvement.

Considering our strict quality parameters and the stiff timelines, this is a BIG Win for us.

Harsh Kumar, CHRO - CSB Bank

Your ‘as of yesterday’ assessment problems need

Time Machine

Coming soon in 2050      

