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Top companies in your industry use AssessHub
Send us your details and we will set up a free demo session.
Test for authentic day-to-day scenarios. Results benchmarked with your “class-topper” in that role.
Wholesale. Retail. Asset-side. Liability-side. Our assessments cover every side.
500,731 assessments done for other banks. All those lessons applied automagically to your assessments
The final solution to your tax-season and year-end hiring spurts is here. SuperBot coordinates. SuperBrain assesses. All you have to do is send the link.
Test your best performers. Hire top-talent who match or exceed that benchmark. Perfect hire, every time.
Eliminate missed calls, scheduled appointments, abandoned assessments, the introductory chit-chat, and answering the same 4 questions over and over. Improve your time-to-hire dramatically.
Know everything about a candidate with a single-click. Numbers don’t lie. Now, you don’t have to either – when the boss asks you to justify your hire!
As a bank, we always have to hire the right sales people in huge volumes and at great speed.
Using AssessHub’s platform we were able to screen, assess and offer over 5000 candidates with zero recruiter involvement.
Considering our strict quality parameters and the stiff timelines, this is a BIG Win for us.
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